If you had asked me what I wanted to be as a child, I simply would not have had an answer for you. In my house as long as I knew the limits, there were no boundaries. Possibilities were endless. At the age of four, my mom was constantly making clothing, bags, and blankets. Naturally came my desire to create along with her. She agreed to teach me how to sew on the condition that I put all of the pins away. Once I was able to understand the mechanics of sewing, anything was possible. Dresses, skirts, purses- it could be made. It wasn’t the desire to be a fashion designer that drove me to learn to sew, it was the desire to explore.
You are the books you read, the movies you watch, the music you listen to, and the things you experience. Art is the way we experience it. Art is the transforming experience.
In 2015, I interned for the fashion photographer Devin Mazza in Indianapolis. Exposing me to 14 hour production days, Devin taught me an inordinate amount knowledge. Later that year I officially began my business.
As a people-person, I enjoy the process of creating relationships. Photography has given me the pleasure of learning about others and their experiences. Photos are the way In which I choose to tell stories. Observing with my camera-just to capture the moment.